Noe Palma, a firefighter and country musician, shares some info about an event he’s hosting on June 1st named Mulligans and Music. In its second year, Mulligans and Music is a golf and concert event that partnered with HeroFund USA to bring money and awareness to the financial struggles of emergency responders all across the nation. Attendees will be able to enjoy a golf game or two on a beautiful course just outside of KC while being treated afterwards to a country music concert featuring numerous talented musicians.
Noe, how long have you been a musician?
Noe Palma
Let's see. I started professionally in ‘99. No, that would be 97, I think. 1997.
Oh, geez. So what was that? Some odd 25 years ago?
Noe Palma
Yeah, something like that.
How long have you been a firefighter?
Noe Palma
It'll be 23 years in October.
OK, so you started roughly two years as a musician before a firefighter.
Noe Palma
Are you originally from Kansas City? Are you a Kansas City native?
Noe Palma
Yeah, I was born in Eastern Independence.
Rock on. I've been to Independence many times, so I have some stories.
Noe Palma
Great city.
So you're performing at an event called Mulligans and Music. What can people expect if they attend?
Noe Palma
If they're going to golf, they're going to have a great round of golf because it's probably one of the best golf courses in the Kansas City area [Paradise Pointe Golf Complex]. And then afterwards, we're going to throw on a big concert, basically acoustic style with myself, Travis Marvin, Tate Stevens and Thompson Square.
Gotcha. Is there a limit to how many people you can bring along with you?
Noe Palma
No, the more the merrier.
Well, rock on. So you mentioned a whole bunch of other performers that would be there. Have you ever performed with them before?
Noe Palma
I've done tons of shows with Travis and Tate. I've only done one show with Thompson Square. They're phenomenal.
Do you have any in the future?
Noe Palma
I do have another one with Travis Martin on August 6th in Kearney, Missouri.
What's the name of this event in Kearney? On Kearney Stage?
Noe Palma
It's called the Kearney Country Showdown between Travis and I for the Croft Trailer Supply team.
So when and where is this event? Mulligans and Music?
Noe Palma
It's Paradise Point Golf Club in Smithville, Missouri.
OK. How far away from that is Kansas City? Do you know?
Noe Palma
It's probably, well, 15 to 20 minutes north of downtown.
Almost. So a nice quick jaunt over for some horrible golf games from me.
Noe Palma
It's on a beautiful course because it's right on the lake with a great view. And the course is in spectacular shape. Eddie Hall and the rest of his team run a fantastic course out there.
I've heard that this event is supporting a cause that helps first responders. How does it help?
Noe Palma
The name of the charity is Hero Fund USA. The website is Basically, they're a charity that collects proceeds from other events and helps out the fire department, the police department and all EMS divisions. For those that don't have proper equipment or they can't afford it, this is where Hero Fund USA steps in and helps them get that equipment.
And this is a big problem for some first responders, not being able to afford equipment?
Noe Palma
Yeah, it is. Even though we do our job to the best of our abilities, we don't always have the proper equipment just because a lot of it is too expensive. And a lot of the smaller towns, especially the smaller towns, don't have the money that they need to properly keep their guys and girls safe out there.
Yeah. And I'm guessing the difference in between so-so equipment and good equipment could mean a life right, in horrible situations?
Noe Palma
Correct. Correct. I'll give you an example. There's a lot of fire departments out there that don't have proper bunker gear, equipment that's outdated or not up to NFPA standards. And this is where Hero Fund will step in and say we'll give you X amount of money so you can buy proper masks, proper Nomex hoods, bunker gear, boots or just whatever they need.
Have you ever, as a firefighter, run into this kind of problem before?
Noe Palma
There's a few things that we could have used. We did a major fundraiser for a washer and dryer that properly extracts a lot of the silt and contaminants that collect on our bunker gear. The city couldn't afford to give us these washers and dryers.
So we did our own type of fundraiser and we had to purchase our own, but we figured it out. But that's a type of example that Hero Fund can help out.
OK, so it sounds like Hero’s Fund is basically a large scale version of a fundraiser you guys had to pull off.
Noe Palma
Right. Right. They just turned nationwide so they're helping everybody across the country.
Well, that's fantastic. And I'm super glad that this event is helping them out. How did this event start? It's on its second year, right?
Noe Palma
Yeah. Mulligans in it's second year. I always love playing golf and obviously I love playing music. I got to the point where I just amassed so many friends throughout the city and the surrounding area, I wanted to start helping giving back. I ran into Darrell, who runs the Hero Fund USA, and we just teamed up and it was just a perfect fit.
I said, “Hey, I have an idea for a fundraiser. Would you guys like to help out and benefit from it?” He just jumped right on board. And it was an easy one for me just because it helps my brothers and sisters all across the nation now.
And now that it's on its second year, how many people tend to come?
Noe Palma
Last year was full. This year we probably are going to oversell.
Oh, that's fantastic.
It turns out that OKKC Sports is a hole sponsor. Are there any other ways that people can actually support or donate to the event?
Noe Palma
You can always go to and donate from their website, or you can come to the concert. And just to watch the concert, it's going to be $10 for anybody that comes. You know, after we get done playing golf, I think it's going to be between 1:00 and 1:30. When you said OKKC is sponsoring a hole, anybody can do that as well.
And a great way to just play golf when you got a free concert after.
You come and enjoy yourself and afterwards get some music and food.
Noe Palma
Yeah. Well, rock on. Are you hoping to hold this event next year?
Noe Palma
Yes. Yes. As long as everything goes well and there are no more COVID scares, we're going to have another one.
And just for fun, Noe, what's your favorite KC sport?
Noe Palma
It probably is the Kansas City Chiefs.
Ay, Chiefs Kingdom, rock on.
Noe Palma
Well, that was the end of the list, but I wanted to ask: as a musician, do you find that your career is able to open some new doors for you to introduce this cause to other people? Like, are you able to spread more awareness because of it?
Noe Palma
It helps out a lot. Just personally it helps me reach a whole bunch of people that I probably would have never met, had it not been for my music or my love for music. So any time I play at Showdown, Power and Light or in another state, somebody always comes up to me. Even though I've been doing this for over 20 years, somebody always comes up to me and goes, “I've never heard of you before, but I’ll be following you now.” That's just one more person I could spread Hero’s Fund USA to along with the other things that I can work on.
Thank you again Noe for this interview. It was really nice meeting you and it was really nice finding out all this information for KC Stronger.
Anyone who would like to support the Hero’s Fund through Mulligans and Music should come on down to the event and donate. As Noe Palma said, you can bring as many people as you’d like and play golf, while enjoying a great country music concert right after. Come join us in helping those who risk their lives for ours, and have a good time in the process. And if you can’t attend, remember you can go directly to and donate as much as you’d like. Also, as a quick side note: if you’re a country music fan, try listening to Noe’s music. He’s pretty good, and more awareness for him will mean more awareness for this great cause.
